[June 26] Patch Notes (Added)
CounterSide 2024.06.25 5:00 오전


Additional information about the [Arcade Mode] has been added. Last Added: June 25, 03:55 (UTC-5)


Dear CEOs,

Patch Notes for June 26 is now live!

Please check it out to avoid missing any vital update details!

▼ Maintenance Schedule

▷ June 26, 14:00 ~ 16:30 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, 00:00 ~ 02:30 (UTC-5)

▼ Maintenance Compensation

▷ 20,000 Credits

▷ 3 Employment Contracts

▼ Shop News

For this week’s update on shop products, please check the announcement below for more information.

Shop Product



▣ Summer Season Circuit Link Event


[Summer Season] Circuit Link event will start.

CEOs can get circuits from completing various combats in CounterSide, such as Mainstreams, Substreams, Requests, and other operations with the [EVENT] tag at a certain probability.

To complete the 4 central squares, complete the following missions below.

▼[Summer Season] Circuit Link Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 17, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 17, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)


▣ Event

[ Vacation ]

6 Vacation skins will receive skill cut-in trophies.

The list of available vacation skin skill cut-in trophies is as follows. 

  • Nanahara Chifuyu - Indigo Warrioress

  • Edel Meitner - Devourer on the Beach

  • Eins & Zwei - Counting One to Ten Dolphines!

  • Shena - Vacation Busking

  • Carmen - The Cunning Volunteer

  • Jaina Kropel - Miss Delta Holstein

If you have purchased the skins listed above, you will be able to get the trophies.

If you purchase the skins within the listed time below, you will get the trophies featured above!

▼ Special Purchase Bonus - Vacation Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)


▣ Last Stand

[ Season 2 ]


▼ Last Stand Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 3, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 3, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

▼ Last Stand Settlement Schedule

▷ July 3, 14:00 ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ July 3, 00:00 ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)


▼  Battle Conditions


※ Shepherd & Lurcher will be placed in the 1st slot.

▼  Season Rank Reward


▣ Danger Close

[ Changes and Improvements ]

  1. Difficulty level, [Challenge]’s name is changed to [Hard].

  2. A new difficulty level, [Expert] is added.

  3. On the [Hard] and [Expert] difficulties, special High-Intensity Plans are added which empower the boss or enhance the boss’ mechanics or the special battle conditions.

  4. Two new score reward categories are added, requiring 10,000 and 12,000 points respectively.

  5. Two new titles for Danger Close have been added.

    1. Trinity Force

    2. Origin Seeker

  6. New emblems are added.

    1. Trinity Force

    2. Mark of the One

    3. Mark of the Protector

    4. Mark of the Resistor

  7. Rewards for rankings 30% - 100% have been modified. 

    1. 30%

      1. Before: 1 Fusion Core

      2. After: 2 Fusion Cores

    2. 50% - 100%

      1. Before: 3 Fusion Core Fragments

      2. After: 1 Fusion Core

▼ Danger Close Elimination Score Rewards


▼ Rank Rewards


[ Yamata no Orochi ]


Battle Condition


  • Stability


  • [Counter] unit DEF -20%

  • [Nanahara Family Alliance] unit ATK +100%, HP & Skill Haste +50%


  • [Counter] unit DEF -40%

  • [Nanahara Family Alliance] unit ATK +100%, HP & Skill Haste +50%

[Hard / Expert]

  • [Counter] unit DEF -60%

  • [Nanahara Family Alliance] unit ATK +100%, HP & Skill Haste +50%

[ New High Intensity Plan Options ]

1. Orochi’s pattern enhanced

2. Orochi’s special conditions added

3. Decreased Outgoing Healing

▼ Danger Close - Yamata no Orochi Schedule

▷ June 26, After Maintenance ~ July 3, 04:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After Maintenance ~ July 3, 14:00 (UTC-5)

▼ Danger Close - Yamata no Orochi Settlement Period

▷ July 3, 04:00 ~ July 10, 04:00 (UTC+9)

▷ July 3, 14:00 ~ July 10, 14:00 (UTC-5)


▣ Balance Adjustment

▷ Balance adjustment for [Scales of Juno Jack-O’], [May], and [I-NO] has been done.


▣ Alternium Reactors

【 Ace of Wings Lee Sooyeon 】


【 Rosaria le Friede 】


【 Frederick Doma 】



▣ Gauntlet

Courageous Season

Courageous Season Skin will be [Repalcer Knight]. 

If you have received the skin from the previous season, you will get a special frame, Frame: Reckless Determination, instead of another duplicate skin.

Courageous Season Schedule

▷ July 1, After the maintenance ~ September 29, 22:00 (UTC+9)

▷ July 1, After the maintenance ~ September 29, 08:00 (UTC-5)


▣ Returning  Awakened Employees

【 Strombringer Jake Walker 】

▼ Jake’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)


【 Tenured President Regina MacCready 】

▼ Regina’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)


【 Ace of Wings Lee Sooyeon 】

▼ Sooyeon’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)


【 Type: Fenrir Yoo Mina 】

▼ Mina’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)


▣ Returning  Employees

【 Rosaria le Friede 】

▼ Rosaria’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

【 Frederick Doma 】

▼ Doma’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

【 Nanahara Chifuyu 】

▼ Chifuyu’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

【 Eins & Zwei 】

▼ Eins & Zwei’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

【 Edel Meitner 】

▼ Edel’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

【 Shena 】

▼ Shena’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

【 Jaina Kropel 】

▼ Jaina’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

【 Carmen 】

▼ Carmen’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

【 Lamda Spatari 】

▼ Lamda’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

【 Ciel Marronier 】

▼ Ciel’s Banner Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 10, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

▣ Challenge Stage

【 Academy Student Council Special Course 】

The Academy Student Council Special Course challenge stage will be opened to create exclusive gear for the Academy Student Council employees.


In this challenge, collect [Lost Student Notebook] to craft their Exclusive Gear. Moreover, there is a slight chance for the fully crafted exclusive gear to drop after each successful run.


▼ Crafting [Academy Student Council] Mold

The following materials are required to craft with [Academy Student Council] Mold.

  • 2,500,000 Credits

  • 400 Lost Student Notebooks

  • 600 Advanced Gear Materials.


The mold will give a random exclusive gear from these three gears listed below.


▼ Equipment from the [Academy Student Council] Mold



▼ Challenge Stage - Academy Student Council Special Course Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 3, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 3, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)


▣ Substream Event

Gremory’s Bar

[ Praise Stamp ] will drop 3 times more than normal during the event.

▼ [ Old Fear ] Currency Drop Event Schedule

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 3, 2024, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ June 26, After the maintenance ~ July 3, 2024, 00:00 (UTC-5)

▣ Arcade Mode (Added)



Battle Conditions

  • All Battle Conditions are removed.

Event Deck

  • Fixed 5 Slots, slotted with GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- employees

  • Random 2 Slots, slotted with Random 2 Awakened employees


  • Level 110

Number of Employee Limitations

  • None


▣ Changes and Improvements

  1. Cooltime for Ship’s skill will now be displayed in the Ship’s skill tooltip.

  2. When upgrading gears, now the screen will only show only upgradable gears.

  3. Dive Deployment Order Adjustments will be applied. 

    1. During auto-combat, the ship will remain unchanged until the current squad ship is defeated.

  4. The squad button in Ship Info will be removed.

  5. Operators will now have an option,  [Remove From All].

  6. Employees who have deployment effects will now have their deployment effects displayed on the battlefield before deployment.

  7. A keyword system has been added.

    1. Tapping on specific words from either [Skill Training] or [Unit Info] will display what that word means.

  8. [Units with the Most Wins] Button Feature will be added in the Ranked Battle.

    1. Four employees with the most wins will be displayed per league. 

    2. Ranked Battle statistics from 13:00 to 14:00 (UTC-5) will not be included. 

▣ Fixes

  1. A fix where in the Custom Pick-up screen, the Operator [Side Skill Probabilities] option would not display.

  2. A fix where in the battle statistics, the opponent would be displayed as “BOSS.”

  3. A fix where Background: City (Night) would still display even if the filter condition changes.

  4. A fix where in the [Practice] mode, some employees would stop attacking when redeployed in the practice field. 

  5. A fix where some of the CEO’s lobby placements would disappear on slots 7 & 8.

  6. A fix where some of the employee’s lines were displayed in different languages.

  7. A fix where when Danger Close is off-season, the rankings for Danger Close would not display correctly.